
Digital KOL Landscaping

Emerging technologies change the landscape of KOL relationship. Many KOLs are not exceptions when it comes to the use of digital media for networking, further common interests and influencing other fellow professionals. In fact with their busy schedule, the digital media gives them a fast track channel for communication, learning, and professional growth.

E-Merge tech being a knowledge intensive solutions company, conducts digital media research for various purposes for different clients. With our strong presence in digital media research, leadership position in KOL identification and profiling, we offer exceptionally good service in Digital KOL landscaping studies.

Our researchers have a thorough understanding of different digital media such as LinkedIn, twitter, face book, YouTube, etc, the types of users, the type of information, the criteria for judging the use of digital media, the limitations and benefits of information and insight that we can retrieve from these digital media.

Our digital media methodology is customized and same way the reports are also customized.