We have a pool of professionals from various fields of study, with rich experience in information search, analysis and report writing ability. With our toxicological research expertise and extensive knowledge of core domain databases we make right judgment to decide right information needed for regulatory compliance. Our search specialists perform sensitive search strategies to identify the most critical data, document the search process and report the searches results. We make sure that we share all the information for transparency and reproducibility.
We offer multiple services under the literature search category. Examples of such services include, (eco) toxicological effects of chemicals, review of plant protection products for endocrine disrupting properties, toxicity support for classification and labeling of the biocidal products, etc.,
We use, various sources like bibliographic databases, factual handbooks, authoritative sources, subscription databases, open sources, grey literatures, and other sources such as: eChemPortal, Toxnet, PubMed, STN, OECD SIDS, ECHA, HSNO, BioMed Central, CIR, EFSA, EMBASE, HERA, IARC, JECFA, MEDLINE, NICNAS, OEHHA, OVID, ScienceDirect, Scifinder search, US EPA, ZeTOC, SCOPUS and WoS.